Vicky's Lounge


These are some of my favorite YouTube videos that I've found over the years, everything from documentaries and video essays to sillier stuff.

This is what I would also look like eating a big persimmon. You should try them sometime, they're really tasty, even the normal-sized ones.

A classic scene from my favorite show. Also one of my favorite monologues of all time.

A fantastic short documentary. Just high school students talking about themselves and other students and what it's like being a teenager and an outsider.

Warning: They really do just show an exploding whale. Maybe don't watch this if you have a weak stomach.

No comment necessary.

Genuinely amazing acting performance.

I despise video essays that just summarize a TV show or a video game's plot with little to no commentary. This is not that. It proposes a theory, a legitimate way of reading a work, and works through it. Perfect.

I have lost count of how many times I watched this video. hazel makes really good videos on anime and video games and the like and they are always incredibly well written and edited. An absolute joy to watch.

Please, let this video inspire you to download more software and try to just make stuff. Just try it. Amateur art is the best kind of art. Whatever you do, I'll love it.

A great artist can make art with everything. I'm not a great artist, but I'm endlessly inspired by them to just make stuff.

Playing video games with friends is great. Maybe it makes all the rest worth it.


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